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About Gabriele …



I am Gabriele, a Pivot Coach, Consultant and the Founder of HELP ME Pivot, a Program designed to help you create momentum when you feel stuck. I have had to pivot many times in my life and I am constantly moving towards creating more Freedom. I used to feel stuck in the matrix or rat race and I am continuously seeking ways to step out.
I am quite a Global Warrior, Travel fanatic and speaks various Languages. I grew up in Germany and have lived in California for 30 Years.
My Vision is to create a vibrant world where everyone can be healthy, happy and free. As a digital Nomad I enjoy my three W’s (being able to create a difference wherever, whenever and whatever)! My values are Love, Freedom, Vision and Courage!

My passion always has been Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Personal Development. I have facilitated workshops and love helping people tap into their vision in order to help them Pivot. I have been certified in the Mastery of Leadership and love to help people figure out what they want.

Let’s take a journey together and create some results for you:

YOU ARE WORTHY of getting what you want!


Don’t take my Word for it – here’s what my Clients say …

Gabriele Boss Howard
The Regulatory Strategists


Barbara Nakatomi
Barbara Nakatomi

My focus is Health, Wellness and Happiness and I am very much aligned with Gabriele’s values. She has helped me step into my coaching powers by focusing in on my ideal client. I finally figured out that I was my ideal client. Everything is flowing for me right now and I am attracting clients and more abundance in my Life. I could not believe how easy it was for me to pivot with Gabriele’s support! She really went deep in our conversations and helped me identify the blocks that were holding me back. Now I have the strategy for success and my Vision became much clearer. At my age, I feel the best that I have in decades and now have discovered further gifts in myself as to how I can make a difference in this world.

Maria Mastrodicasa

Gabriele has been coaching me for a year now and has created breakthroughs in my business and in my personal relationships. She helped me develop a strategy for developing deeper connections with my clients and also has helped me personally connect more by stepping into my vulnerability. Having the courage to clearly express my wants and desires has provided more clarity in my Life. My confidence is through the roof and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Gabriele also supported me in creating clear messaging for my clients and through clear and courageous communications. I stepped further into my Leadership and am constantly leveling up in various areas of my Life!